Because you are here, you are welcome.

'Barbie' on September 28 !

If you’ve seen it, if you’ve seen it a half dozen times, and if you’ve never seen it, plan to come to our Screening Party for  “Barbie” on Saturday, September 28! Potluck dinner 5:30, movie 6:30 & conversation afterward. We may put the big screen outside, weather depending. Watch Facebook & Instagram for updates. Wear pink. 

Donald Gallery mother & son show opens Sept 8

‘Pivotal Moments in Caring for the Earth’ at South’s Donald Gallery through October 20. Opening Reception Sept 8, 11:30 – 1 pm. The show features the work of  painter Jennifer Madelin Burns and her photographer son Patrick Burns IV. Their passion for the natural world comes to vibrant life.

8:30 am – choir practice in the sanctuary with Dr. Amir. 10:00 am – Worship service in the sanctuary with Minister Margery Rossi. 10:00 am  – church school for children 5 – 12 in Fellowship Hall with Marie-Louise. 11:30 am – coffee and conversation together. Soup Sunday Sept. 8!

South Church is an affectionate  abbreviation for South Presbyterian Church in Dobbs Ferry, New York.

That we are a Presbyterian church tells you one thing among many about us. We are diverse in many, many ways – including in what we believe – and we celebrate that richness. We are also unified – by curiosity about the way of Jesus, and in the belief that we can make this world a better, kinder, more just, more whole and more connected place. This is our sacred calling but the work, we know, begins with being human. We know we need to be rooted in community and spiritual practice. And so, we have agreed to be on this journey together and to see where it leads. Join us.